Characters in order of appearance

Location INT. ‣

Script We see KAY, a young boy, lying on a tray, unconscious. He is being carried by two ASSISTANTS, dressed in white lab coats. They are walking through a bright, sterile facility. We see the silhouette of a young girl, ELY, being dragged away by two more assistants. She is crying out for her brother, KAY. The dialogue is echoey. ”Kay! Kay!” screaming Kay's eyes flutter open as he hears his sister's screams. He looks around, dazed and confused, as the assistants carry him away. ”Ely...” whispers We see DARC, a Neostram Raven , standing off to the side and overseeing the transport. He watches as Kay and Ely are taken away. We see a quick montage of the sterile, mysterious facility. We see glimpses of blurred figures, bright lights, and high-tech equipment. Kay is stationed onto a loading bench, still unconscious.