Poppet says he's in a rush, perhaps traveling with Dawce to the airport or somewhere similar. There could be a moment between Art and Poppet just before Poppet's death—a moment that helps Art prove himself and his capabilities. Poppet is at some sort of industrial facility in the Gates when he comes across Art. Art exclaims that one of his findings has revealed the integrity and foundation of the support columns of this vital facility are wearing down; the entire structure below is aging and won’t last. Poppet acknowledges this, saying he understands, but that this is normal. When it happens, they'll just build a new one.

"Might I make a suggestion?" Art asks.

"Go on," Poppet replies.

Art points to an adjacent building, much higher up in the sky. He explains that it's newer and highlights several factors that indicate its strength and longevity. If the base is clear, Art suggests that relocating the facility there would save time and resources.

Poppet looks up at the building, his orange eyes flickering momentarily. "The base is clear—but that's 200 meters of height. How would you suggest we transfer 1,600 tons of machinery to the top?"

Art steps forward and points at the top with his finger. "A pulley system, attached to the west edge. If you build it big enough outward, it should extend just far enough to cover us where we stand. It'd be three weeks of work and two weeks of downtime, but you'd save the resources, two months of reconstruction, and extend the facility's lifespan by another 300 years."

"300 years... that's a lot of lives," Poppet says, thinking. He then reaches out and pats Art's shoulder. "I'll see to it."

"Thank you, my tongue," Art responds.

"Take care, young Art," Poppet says as he walks away.

I'm also considering that in this scene, there should be moments where Art and Dawce exchange glances, maybe even a smile. They should have a slight connection since they're both politically involved in the story and share a similar age.