The scene opens with the aftermath of a purge that occurred the previous night. Bodies lie scattered across the pavement, blood trickling from crescent-shaped imprints in their eyes. Citizens move with a detached efficiency, pushing and rolling the bodies off the edge of the Gates. Rogue and Jorsse step into the frame.

"Another purge?" "Big one." "How many?" Jorsse glances at a tablet. "1,600 in Wixter, and another 700 in the D-Bert District." "Hm."

The scene also offers a moment for Rogue and Jorsse to develop a tentative rapport, contrasting their differing reactions to the events unfolding around them.

Warner returns from Anyth resuming his role as Standing Keeper. Rees shadows Warner throughout the scene.

Rogue is soon called to another crime scene, tasked with tracking down a suspect who has reportedly smuggled a rare green plant from the Anyth. A drug, disguised as a sticker, is applied to the runner's face. Rogue leads the pursuit, eventually becoming the only Keeper able to keep up as the others fall behind.

Smuggler is female

The runner carries the green plant inside a glass tube, glowing faintly with life. Rogue navigates through a crowded club, pushing past dancers and ignoring the advances of alluring patrons, his focus locked on his quarry.

Eventually, Rogue corners the suspect in a secluded room. He warns that possession of the green is a Category One offense and demands the runner surrender. When Rogue asks where he obtained it, the runner remains silent. The runner insists that the green belongs to the people and refuses to let Rogue hand it over to the Heavens. As he fumbles with the top of the glass tube, he reveals a red button labeled "EXTINGUISH." He hesitates, torn between surrendering and destroying the plant.

Rogue remains calm, stating, "No hard feelings." The smuggler, confused, asks, "About what?" Without a word, Rogue unholsters his gun and fires, hitting the smuggler squarely in the chest. As the smuggler collapses, he presses the button. The air inside the tube is rapidly vacuumed out, and the plant shrivels and dies.

Rogue inspects the canister, noticing a faint imprint or branding under the lid—something that might provide a clue for his next lead.

perhaps a moment where warner gestures at rogue’s tie and says “you can take that off now rogue”

Later, the Gatekeepers gather at the scene to investigate. Poppet arrives, given the severity of the Category One offense

poppet walking through erotic area with his ravens leading (raven pushing girl roughly and with ease against wall) — they arrive at the room where the crime occured

. Perhaps Poppet is accompanied by young 16 year old Bail who is his accomplice Bail being one of the new judges of Technology and appointed to Poppet as Poppet mentors him. thuis would make an interesting beginning to judges of being feeature as poppet was seen killing children and is now helping one grow. rogue would be startled back by this considering the events taht occured in the oepning of the film. sets an interesting postion for all chracacters. Warner hands him the dead plant’s canister, and Poppet, with a curt nod, says, "Thank you, Warner. We'll take it from here." He then casts a sharp, disapproving glance at Rogue, who stands silently to the side.