Purpose To present the realms of creative and beautiful art. And train Ely on how to play the piano professionally.

Self Definement Calipto internally defines himself as a free-spirited, artistic soul who embraces life's pleasures without restraint, viewing his heavenly status as a license to indulge in creativity and hedonism while sharing his unique talents and perspective with others.

Profile A charismatic drunk with the passion for art and creativity. He lives in luxury among the Heavens doing what he wishes. He has six fingers on each hand which allow him to play instruments including the piano exceptionally well. Calipto has a whacky and messy attitude to life. He can also sing old classical opera very well. Calipto is a spiritual person who isn’t bothered by anyone or anything and opens Ely up to a new understanding of the world until his demise. Abuses his power as a heaven citizens to enjoy himself and create art. He doesnt care and neither does anyone else and it is allowed to happen. Comedy Relief (Witty)?

Negatives Hedonistic and reckless.

Appearance Six fingers on each hand

Classification: ‣

Relationships Ely (Student/Friend)

Previewed Timeline

DARC leaves ELY with CALIPTO

CALIPTO teaches ELY the piano