darc, fateus, kaly, ely and claw all fight

fateus vs claw

darc vs kaly

fateus and darc have lowkey token interaction

kaly and ely have lowkey interaction as ely notices kalys hoodie

fatues sees that kin claw has no watch

he assumes he couldnt therefor be claw

also this is finally the moment where fateus is pushed to the point where he uses his token power

“like i know the back of my hand”

maybe to escape with kaly?

FATEUS grows suspicious that claw is the new kin until he notices when the kins sleeve is pulled up he is not wearing a watch so it couldn't be him, only to later realise claw was wearing a fake watch all along

KALY and ely interaction, she notices she has her brothers hoodie fateus and darc later presence lowkey interaction once more but 10 years later (ely absent or background interaction)

*bail made darc torture ely who become kaly so its best to argue that kaly thinks darc did it on purpose