ziphers return self making earlier appearances, humanoid connections, maybe even design new secondary character to be associated with his return, could be a closing in on perimeter thing (s3)
kurst loosing all the people within the metradome group that he befriended
what is going on with the scatyker and the storms around the gates? where is it heading and what do the scatyker have planned? how does zipher’s return fit into this? what is his plan regarding his humanoid blood runners? does this tie into the metradome before anyone else? and specifically does this tie into kursts exploration group from the metradome?
the scatyker are slowly closing in on the gates as storms grow weaker
zipher is the motivator for the scatyker to push toward the heavens
he helps the blood runners by providinng them with humanoid parts and then motivating them to help him take the metradome and the gates so they can eat everyone (lots of human flesh is there)