luness essentially saying you would risk the girl finding out who you are, you would be CAUGHT (child fateus is on the verge of getting caught or being lost from his mother and she reacts to this emotionally)
after luness saw fateus’s rebellious attitude and what he was thinking about doing early on day 1 she scolds him that night and gives him a hell of a talking to with luness we need to make clear just how much fateus means to her, the loss of his father?, we must understand the rrisk of losing him luness yelling at fateus as he starts to cry about something “dont cry!” “dont you dare cry” (lightly hits him on the sholder) “your stronger then that” “we dont need that kind of pain, it isn’t for us to own” she then grounds him and says needs to keep him lockedd away more inside their house, as he is an ungrateful teenager
freakout scene as kid toward mother that he was born a token
*all of this without directly actually revealing the power this argument is about