perhaps this all takes place just across from teh gate’s keeep
with dawce going into poppet custody
and cadence being there
could be at the end of an episode upon poppet returning to the heavens??
perhaps the reason of his return to the heavens is to speak in person with monark regarding peace with the anyth
poppet is too powerful for anyone to attempt to pressure him, even zipher, and therefore ziphers only means to convince him is to rid him, poppet does not even see his death coming and should no one
perhaps poppet is even returning to the heavens with the peace agreement that was provided to him by the founders and so zipher blows up his vesicle and claims it was a terrorism act on behalf the founders
i would love for poppet to check his watch during flight to the heavens and he realizes he is running a few minutes late (the moment just before he dies)
for this to work we need to properly forshadow poppet checking his wwatch on time throughout this first series
dawce is given right of passage into the heavens as she was the one who has come with the message of peace, poppet allows then, perhaps to meet the saint or for some kind of offering, whatever. this individual is even of anythian race and looks like the first time someone other then poppet has been granted access to the heavens. we fly to the heavens with the two of them before the explosion. this in iteself further supports zipher’s agression and jealousy against the situation in why he may kill the ship that takes off. poppet escorts this individual to the heavens only for the both of them to die,
ultimately when dawce dies this completely shatters rogue as this was the last thing he was truely holding onto, at this point he verbaly and maybe even physically lashes out toward zipher, zipher then condems him to jail for a decade as for a gatekeeper that would be worse then death, in prison, rogue is to be mistreated, beaten and starved by the inmates in jail that he once sentenced himself as a keeper. the next time we see rogue after the time jump in season 2 rogue looks much different (in a worse way) and much skinnier.