binoculars are some ones as ine 3_CADENCE APPARTMENT - DAY 4 - 8PM
Danju leads this attack
The insurgency could start with a daring break-in at a prison guarded by Heaven enforcer humanoids (or perhaps normal guard citizens) as so the rebels are more capable. The rebels' primary mission is to free their leader, Quarie, along with another key member, Juset. They time their attack to coincide with sunrise, knowing that the moon fades and deactivates once the sun is up
As the sun rises, the rebels emerge from the shadows and launch their assault. They fight their way through the prison, taking down the guards with determination. As they progress, they reach the large inner circular courtyard, and gaze up all around them for any sign of Quarie. A rebel with binoculars exclaims that they dont see her, and Danju says fuck she must be in the lowpart. And so the ground decends down into a dark stairway into a more solitary harsher corridor with the maximum security prisoners. They run down the hallway and reach the cell Quarie is at and successfully free her, but when they search for Juset, Quarie reveals that he’s not there, explaining that the gatekeepers have taken him.
Just when their plan seems to be going well and they begin to escape, a Raven —LOCK—appears, descending from the sky in a dramatic hero landing, with the Neostram weapon falling and embedding itself in the ground just before him. The Raven begins cutting through the rebels effortlessly, forcing them into a desperate escape through the corridors back the way they came to the outer prison platform on the edge
The last of the insurgents bravely holds his ground to buy time for the others, knowing full well the fight is hopeless. A fighter rebel legt alive pushes his way through the arriving guards and holds off, making his way to follow Quarie and escaping the Raven
they escape via a rundown anythian ship arries to colect them from the outer layer, danju, quarie and the last few survivers get onboardaway from the prison platform. Majority if the other rebels have died. The ship leaves taking off. Quarie and the others look back at the prison
We see the fighter rebel from before emerge and reach the platform, too late to escape. Behind him the Raven appears theough the mist slowly approaching. The rebel fighter slowly turns around and in shock stares at the Raven. The Raven reaches him and with one large agressive shove pushes him off the edge of the platform into the abyss below. The focus then sharpy shifts to the expression on the Raven’s face as he peers menacingly into the diatance at the flying vescle escaping. Quarie looks back at Lock, with determination
at some point there needs to be a mention to how quarie now has a moon in here eyes (that she would have gotten implannted once being put in prison)