atom presents him the peace agreement
they talk about it for a while before eventually
rees agrees to crest it but essentially saying he’ll only do it if he gets the hacker
atom agrees to these terms
rees says i need my umbrella
atom looks at him for a moment considering his request then agreeingly turns around and retieves it
cut ahead to atom placing it on the table for rees
rees takes it, then placing the folded up umbrealla pointing down at the floor rees twists the curved balck handle causing it to twist and then click off, as the handle is detached we see at it’s joint there is a gatekeeper crest stamp, rees pushes it down onto the parchment next to the metradome crest
“i hope you know this is a waste of time”
we cut ahead then seeing atom watcing rees arresting the hacker, putting him into the back of his keeper car and flying away from the anyth, atom watches
turning back atom runs in with a group of hopen harshly looking at him, he steps to the exit of the courtyard platform where he had watched rees leave from, the hopen standing in his way, they do not move for a beat
obviously the hopen and others cant be happy about him being let go especially as he killed one of their own hopen — eventrually through the harsh and intimidating silence they step aside angrily letting atom pass