Mentor Figure: An experienced and wise character who guides or influences a younger or less experienced protagonist.

Purpose To be a loyal serving friend toward Art. And ultimately steering Artisian’s beliefs toward a better fate for humanity's short term survival. Ultimately dying for such purpose by the hand of Terra which escalates the relationship between her and Art.

Self Definement A loyal, intelligent companion dedicated to guiding Art towards a better future for humanity.

Profile A highly intelligent AI whom helps Art tackle situations that may require a more out-of-the-box approach. Starfod becomes very close with Art and helps him through a lot of his solo moments. He is also a great companion for Art to talk to and examine certain situations. Art is responsible for advancing his tech and monitoring his repairs. Starfod is originally a voice from the Eye of Rott that speaks to Art. Eventually Art makes a small mechanical worm like robot that he fuses with the Eye creating Starfod’s true form. It can be attached to the back of Artisian’s neck and moves around his body feeding him information. Starfod typically sits on his right shoulder when directly speaking to him and observing. This is never openly made canon but Starfod is essentially the mind of Rottweiler. Comedy Relief (deadpan)?

Appearance Small mechanical worm like robot

Relationships Art (Creator)

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