the oligarch talks of how with poppet gone the surrogate will have to reveal himself now as there is no one else who can communicate to him,
terra spawn (naked)
neal. (smiles and giggles)
allow me at least an introduction kin zipher.
no mortal being governs such power of rott over the kin, and the surrogate himself would never allow it
tries to kill terra only for her to die but then literally just walk back into the room with another body representing she is a trancending technology
you are not born human
no, but i am more human then any born alive.
i am terra, and i am no mortal being (clothes materialise), you and i share the same side kin zipher
"rottweiler is dead... because we have failed him... by taking his place"
terra has come from the heavens
she exclaims now with poppet gone this oligarch needs a reform as they have let one of their own die and she even knows it was their doing, she then locks them all to their seats and exclaims that their titles should be taken away but sadly even they are still the heavens best choice, and so instead she’ll take their titles away physically, starting from the 6th judges and finishing with zipher. the table then allures at her, and she says she already doesnt have veins. she then introduces the newest judge to replace poppet, art.