In Archeston, under the laws of Heaven, all citizens are required to have a micro device, known as the "Moon," implanted within their eyes at birth. This device stores crucial information intended for the Heavens, including the individual's global location and all visual data they observe.
To access the data stored in the Moon, a specialized scanner is necessary. This device not only deciphers an individual's entire biological makeup but also retrieves the visual data they've observed. Only Heaven authorities possess this advanced equipment.
The process of scanning involves positioning the device in front of the individual's eyes. A small pinhead needle emerges from the top of the scanner and pricks the forehead, allowing the device to analyze both the person's blood and eyes.
In addition to their scanning technology, Heaven authorities possess a weapon known as the Weeping Gavel. With this, they can neutralize the Moon device, which results in the death of the individual bearing it.
Interestingly, the Moon device functions exclusively at night. Its name derives from an actual transmitter computing device that the Heavens have installed on the moon itself. This device communicates with the Moon implants, allowing the Heavens to oversee their citizens during each night cycle. However, as dawn breaks and the sun emerges, the device's efficacy diminishes.