refer to ARC STUDIO
We PAN DOWN from the higher level of the Gates city into the lower levels. A TITLE DISPLAY reads: "THE ANYTH."
Two young kids, FATEUS and LACE, sprint through the slums of the Anyth, leaping between buildings and vaulting over ledges. We realize LACE—the girl—is actually chasing FATEUS. Both wield small blasting weapons.
FATEUS skids to a stop at the edge of a FACILITY rooftop, staring at the steep drop below. He turns to face LACE, who arrives behind him and fires her paint pistol. The pellet strikes him in the chest.
FATEUS staggers into a concrete wall, looking up at her smug grin. Frustrated, he grips his pistol at his waist. They lock eyes in a tense standoff. LACE moves quickly, striking his gun out of his hand. It slides across the rooftop. She laughs.
FATEUS crawls over to retrieve it. A crystal in the back of his left hand glistens faintly. Once he’s on his feet, he focuses on LACE with new resolve. She watches him, smirking, ready for whatever he may attempt.
Suddenly, as though FATEUS is about to lunge at LACE or shoot her, he instead throws himself off to the side toward a concrete pillar, using it for cover.
Shocked by the sudden move, LACE fires in his direction, just missing him and splattering paint on the pillar as he slips behind it. She stands there, eyes locked on where he hides, waiting for him to show himself again.
We CUT TO FATEUS behind the pillar. His back presses against it, and he seems to steady himself. He begins to breathe slowly and deeply, closing his eyes. The crystal on his left hand GLOWS BRIGHTER. Suddenly, he stops, exasperatedly opening his eyes to look down at his hand with a grimace. He partially winces, then collects himself, lowering his palm into his other hand and rubbing it. A sense of realization crosses his face.
Back with LACE, she stands poised with her pistol raised, stunned at his disappearance.
FATEUS (O.S.) Heyyyy.
She whips around to see FATEUS behind her, pistol raised. He fires, and yellow paint splatters across her face.
LACE Ugh! Shit! What the hell, Fateus?
He chuckles, offering her a rag.
She wipes the paint. LUNESS emerges from a shadowy corner, fingers interlocked before her. Her smile is polite but clearly strained. FATEUS and LACE both look shocked. LACE steps forward.
LACE Mrs. Luness.
LUNESS glances at LACE, then narrows her eyes at FATEUS. He quickly covers the glowing crystal on the back of his left hand.