refer to ARC STUDIO
A bustling crowd fills a massive platform shaped like a “U.” People stand huddled at the edges. Beyond the drop, across from them, sits a slightly elevated marble column, where official Anythian members are seated at its rear. Two HOPEN (decorated masked soldiers) stand guard at the front of the marble pillar, weapons held in a ready stance.
Other HOPEN patrol behind the line of people at the platform’s ledge. One by one, these HOPEN slice a small cut at the right side of each person’s neck with a short knife.
FATEUS and LUNESS make their way through the crowd, spotting the BRAILEN family, LACE, CADENCE, DAWCE and ATOM near the platform’s edge. They head toward them.
From FATEUS’s POV, we see ATOM talking briefly with CADENCE before kneeling to speak with DAWCE at her eye level. ATOM then stands, disappearing into the crowd leading DAWCE with him.
CADENCE (to Lace) That is a really long way down, isn’t it?
LACE (looking around) Quick maybe if someone kills themself we won't have to do this stupid ceremony?
CADENCE (laughing) Lace! I’m pretty sure the idea of this ‘stupid ceremony’ isn’t just about an offering. Anyways it's so bloody wet today I'm more surprised no one hasn’t accidentally fallen yet."
LACE grabs CADENCE from behind, pretending to push him over the edge.
LACE (playful) There’s always a first.
CADENCE (startled) OH! Hey. Hey!
He freaks out and steps away from the ledge. Both start laughing. LUNESS and FATEUS arrive.
CADENCE (noticing Luness) Lady Luness. So good to see you again.
LUNESS (smiling) Oh, such a pleasure you are, Cadence.
They embrace.
LUNESS I do hope we didn’t miss anything.
CADENCE Oh no, not at all. Atom just left us to take his seat. And the Hopens are still making their rounds. Oh. Behind you, my lady.
A HOPEN stands right behind LUNESS, staring through the mask with stern eyes.