In a world 1,500 years after a devastating global conflict, hope hangs by a thread. The 'Gates', a sprawling dystopian metropolis, stands as humanity's last bastion. Within its confines, a mysterious timepiece emerges, harboring secrets that could upend society's fragile balance.

As the watch's finder grapples with its extraordinary power - the ability to forestall death itself - he becomes entangled in a dangerous pursuit. The 'Heavens', victors of the ancient war who now rule from orbit, seek to maintain their iron grip on the city below.

In this bleak landscape, characters grapple with profound helplessness, their desires for change seemingly futile against the immovable forces that govern their lives. Yet, as they navigate uncertain worlds in search of answers, a question persists: Can hope endure even in the darkest of times?

The journey ahead is perilous. Can the watch's possessor unravel its origins and perhaps find a path through the chaos? Or will the weight of a seemingly unalterable destiny prove too heavy to bear?

Series Signature Shot: A character walks away from subject and towards the camera, pausing - but unable to look back.