atom previously says “may the wine flow red” upon coming making his toast about the agreement with the Ravens ?

as they celebrate atom still isnt totally convinced his brother was the mole and he still feels very disturbed and under pressure, perhaps he is the only one that doesnt drink the wine but is thus then killed by vox after

vox still drinks the same wine but isnt effected as he is a vermin

people need to be imnpacted and multiple mindsets need to shift from when the founders die

they celebrate the success of binding peace with the heavens ?

vox is revealed as the leader of the metrodome and is allianced with zipher to thin out the people of the anyth as they are leaching off people from the centrist, vox thus ultimately takes zipher to the metrodome to additionally show him ely whom he seized as well

vox makes a deal with zipher that if he can govern the metrodome with free will he will betray the founders for zipher, (so maybe initial conflict to contradict?)

they ride the elevator down to the metradome

vomiting blood ? blood coming out of ears?

there are set number of founders and in the end they are all poisoned by vox

SCENE CONCLUSION vox is known earlier on within the founders as an individual that goes can link with different groups and carry messages, he regularly goes on trips to the surface/metradome and has also been given passage into archeston, he is a messenger/scout of the founders and ultimately the rats tail of the metradome

perhaps all the founders die except atom and vox, knowing atoms only choice is now to die he monologues on to vox how he wont get away with this and it will come back to haunt him, he also mentions what the point of optanity is and that he isnt actually religious but serves the idea for the sake of others

“im not religious, but if there is a hell, i hope you burn in it”

atom then takes his glass of wine and drinks it in its total staring straight into vox’s eyes as he does. atom was everything vox wants to be, but vox could never be anything like him because he is too much of an arrogant coward, and even in the final moment that vox wanted atom to try to escape atom stood stayed in his appointing chair and drink the wine

amongst vox’s arrogance he still urges himself to get the last line in after atom’s demise:

“may the wine flow red, as so will the blood” vox says this after

also potentially is there a possibility that vox may have made a deal with the hopen, perhaps as why they take over after the founders