Once a formidable leader and hands-on worker, William’s younger years were defined by authority, engineering, and hard labor. He built a legacy through sheer will and determination, shaping both his family and the world around him. Though long retired, he still sees himself as wise and capable, even as time has made him more conservative in his ways.
Age has left him bound to his chair, a reality he tolerates with quiet frustration. He holds deep-seated resentment toward the Keepers, Archeston, and Heavens, blaming them for the burdens placed upon the Anyth. In his mind, they are beyond redemption, and any notion of peace with them is an insult. While he believes himself to be more intelligent than his son, Atom, their relationship is strained—both unwilling to truly put up with one another.
Though often rigid in his views, William does his best to contain his harsher opinions, especially in the presence of his granddaughter, Dawce. He finds a certain fondness for her, even if she, at times, finds him difficult. Beneath his sharp edges, William remains a man of conviction, unwilling to let go of the past but still tethered to the family he shaped, for better or worse.
2_ATOM - A Glimpse Into the Past, WILLIAM, REES