i love the idea of this tragically powerful character being so unstopabale in most sense and finally being brought to his knees by his own desires, this being eating. he typically would eat through a tube and that is much how we see him previously eating but up to this point he occasionally also gets curious and tastes real food out of pleasure. this action in itself results in him surprisingly choking out of no where at a dinner scene on his own food. and is ultimately saved by a characters that should be developed to dislike zipher but ultimately is morally decent natured. this should be a wake up to zipher but he ultimately does not care and results in killing the person anyways.
im thinking the person could be Dawce! and this good will action is us meant to assume that zipher potentially will see good reason in favouring peace with the anyth. this is a scene that allows us to assume that zipher being saved by her will noww honor her and respect her. this is obviously wrong as we know he is responsible for her death.
the moment zipher begins to choke, perhaps poppet is in the room too with dawce, she looks to poppet for help exclaiming shouldnt he do somethiong as poppet just merely stands there, he says “why should i? it’s his doing.” she looks at him in shock and amazement before running to save zipher
and perhaps an important moment long before this scene would be zipher eating food and poppet lightly lecturaing hima bout how he shouldnt do that as it isnt safe or something like that