Can hope survive in even the darkest situation?

It is 1,500 years after the catastrophic end of a World War. A vast dystopian city known as the 'Gates' remains the last haven for civilisation. When a peculiar watch is discovered, the finder soon realises it holds secrets that may potentially disrupt the entire social order. Soon he is on the run from an allegiance known as the 'Heavens,’ the victors of the old war, orbiting the Gates from space and plaguing the city with their tyranny. Can the watch’s finder forge his way out of the chaos and find the origin of this marvel?

An instrument of unassailable value. With the watch, the wearer will not die and cannot be killed. Only feeling the muffled drums of their heart counting down, their date is set.

Series Signature Shot: A character walking away towards camera and stopping — but not being able to look back. (Last shot JOB)