Loyal Protector: A steadfast and courageous character who is fiercely loyal to their cause or person, often facing moral conflicts due to their loyalty.

Purpose To put pressure on Kurst and further explore more brutal dimensions of Kurst’s character. To serve Vox being his loyal front man. After Vox he takes control of the Metrodome and has a deep interest in getting the watch back.

Self Definement Sees himself as a loyal and ambitious enforcer, striving for power and recognition in the shadow of his boss, Vox.

Profile Second in command to Vox, he becomes known as the Rat’s Tail. Teacher’s pet character that works under vox trying to gain more class in his power. He is a horrific and brutal character. Omally is jealous of the liking Vox displays toward Kurst.

Appearance ****17 years old (Kid)

Classification: MEN OF THE DOME

Relationships Vox (Boss) Kurst (Arch-enemy)

Previewed Timeline

2_KURST - DAY 1 - 11AM

3_KURST - DAY 4 - 5AM


OMALLY break KURSTIUS out of prison