Purpose Getting as far away from the city as fast as possible. Her fate is to emphasise the horror and power of our first interaction with the Blood Runners. Exploring emotional characterization. Being interested in Kay and protecting her brother Richy.

Self Definement Angee internally defines herself as a protective and emotionally driven individual, focused on safeguarding her brother Richy and exploring her feelings for her friend Kay.


Impulsive, blunt, hurried, at times rude, dismissive, prejudiced, unnecessarily aggressive. Angee can be confrontational, judgmental, and potentially difficult to work with, which could lead to conflicts or complications in her relationships and interactions. Comedy Relief (Sarcastic)?

Appearance 14 year old girl

Classification: ‣

Relationships Kay (Friend and love interest) Richy (Brother)

Previewed Timeline

6_KAY - DAY 3 - 11AM (Midpoint)

4*_KAY* - DAY 2 - 6AM - 4.5 MINS (Act 1 Turning Point)

8_KAY - DAY 3 - 8PM

9_KAY - DAY 4 - 7 AM

10_KAY - DAY 4 - 12PM

11_KAY - DAY 4 - 6PM

12_KAY* - DAY 4 - 9PM

ANGEE, RICHY, KAY, ELY and blood runners (Act 2 Main Event)