Purpose Wanting to become a Gatekeeper, and doing so with Sticker. Losing Sticker and thus returning to the Anyth to serve as a Hopen with Mother and pledge life to taking down the pedastal.

Classification: ANYTH (lower gates) ARCHESTON (upper gates) Anythian, Gatekeeper, Hopen

Relationships Sticker (Girlfriend) Mother (Mentor and Leader Figure)

Previewed Timeline

Childhood Moments, BROCK, STICKER

A Spark Ignited, BROCK, STICKER

A Subtle Reveal, BROCK, STICKER

Meeting The Mother, MOTHER, BROCK, STICKER

‘More Than You’ STICKER, BROCK

The Eyes of Dedication, BROCK, STICKER

Redemption and Collapse, BROCK, MOTHER

hopens and Raven war, MOTHER, BROCK