Rees’s Purpose

Rees serves as a moderating voice—a “good devil on Warner’s shoulder”—offering conflicting perspectives and extra insights to counterbalance Warner’s more extreme impulses.

Rees’s Profile

He is a passive, nurturing Gatekeeper who avoids radical actions. However, he is prepared to forgo his Gatekeeper duties if circumstances become too severe.


Not much has been revealed about Rees. We do know that, in Season 1, he is a loyal and conscientious Gatekeeper under Warner’s command. He works diligently despite the strain of Warner’s aggressive and unpredictable behavior. Rees resides in Archeston with his wife, where he is currently based.


The Lion’s Den - DAY 1 - 4PM

REES arrives home to see wife

2_ATOM - A Glimpse Into the Past, WILLIAM, REES

REES arrests hacker

REES argument with wife

REES partner losing interest After this exchange, she begins to see Rees differently, as if he has changed, and slowly loses interest in the man he has become.

By the end of Season 1, Rees is promoted to Standing Keeper, taking charge after Warner's disappearance or death and Rogue’s imprisonment. His wife probably leaves him atp.

In Season 2, we learn that at some point during the 10-year time jump, Rees stepped down, which explains why Lace (potentially) is now in charge.

KALY questioning REES