The Ultimate Grey
Profile (Kid) As a child, Fateus is dark, serious, and quiet—highly observant and deeply complicit toward his mother. He is always angry, with little patience for distractions, moving swiftly from point A to point B to achieve his goals. Highly motivated, aggressive, and extremely competitive, his relentless drive for success defines his purpose in the story. However, in his younger years, this intensity also manifests as a bit of a bully.
Appearance (Kid) 15 years old
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Profile (Older) The series’ intelligent leading protagonist. A playful and ruthless sociopath that thinks and talks extremely fast. He presents himself as a neutral-faced yet hyper active enigma. He works under Lace as a leading Gatekeeper and is very good at his job. Since his mother died he has made a rule with himself to never use his Token powers as he does not wish to run anymore and be exposed. Eventually his true identity is revealed and begins using his powers freely but does not attempt to run away. Because of this he is hunted but doesn’t care as he is extremely talented at deceiving his enemy considering he can literally just move through time. Always very sarcastic. Fateus is willing to sacrifice the world for Kaly. Comedy Relief (Flirtatious)? AND, his intensity makes him an unexpectedly funny character at times, as his sharp wit and spontaneous outbursts add humor to his dialogue.
Appearance (Older) 25 years old ****High collar shirt (covering neck( Black coat Tie (Gatekeeper badge) Under Jacket Handgun Holster Right-handed (Holding gun) Crystal (Left hand) Yellow watch (Right hand) Scared eye (Fate/Later)
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Relationships Kaly (Lover) Lace (Ex-girlfriend) Marric (Bestfriend) Luness (Mother) Claw (Arch-enemy)
Previewed Timeline
The Anyth - DAY 1 - 7AM - 5 MINS
The Great Foundation - DAY 1 - 8AM - 10 MINS
LACE visiting FATEUS at his window, he comments on lenox
fateus and lace relattionship - DAY 4 - 6PM
fateus and lace making out - DAY 4 - 9PM, LENOX
LUNESS takes WARNER to the end, FATEUS
At the start of this season, Fateus revels in the freedom of adulthood and the perks of being a Keeper. With his strict mother no longer around, his behavior becomes more carefree, especially when it comes to his interactions with women. One such encounter is with Veronica, whom he initially meets at a club. Among others.
KALY sent to public execution by LACE, FATEUS
FATEUS gets watch from judge, MARRIC, CLAW