Cunning Political Strategist: A master of political maneuvering, able to navigate and manipulate complex political landscapes for their own gain or their faction's advantage.
Self Definement Sees herself as a brave and optimistic peacemaker, believing she can bridge the gap between the Anyth and others through her political intelligence and willingness to take risks.
Appearance (Kid) 15 years old
Classification: ‣
Profile Dawce Brailen. Brave and risk-taking. Confidently strong, a bit of a tomboy. Politically intelligent for her age but ultimately too optimistic. Her nickname is “Dawcey”. Comedy Relief (Witty)?
I believe the major difference between the sisters is that Dawce is more grown up and mature focused on the world around her and being close with her father whilst Lace is quite independent and focused on people around her like Fateus. She isn’t as interested in her father.
Relationships Cadence (Father) Atom (Uncle) Rogue (Keeper Friend) Lace (Sister)
Previewed Timeline
The Great Foundation - DAY 1 - 8AM - 10 MINS
ATOM, DAWCE peace treaty goodbye
rogue giving dawce’s ribbon back dawce saying you keep it. you dont want it? it was my mothers… you dont like your mother. no, shes just dead. i dont like to be reminded. right sorry…
says to rogue ”you can be whatever you want if you forget that you cant” rogue replies that the last time he heard talk like that it didnt end well, and that she reminds him of her (quarie) she then says that rogue reminds her of her father and this makes him smile
ZIPHER chokes and saved by morally good character, DAWCE, POPPET
the oligarch responds to the founders, ZIPHER, HAMIL, POPPET, DARC, DAWCE, ROGUE